Mercer Bears are known for more than their academic and athletic accomplishments. They are innovators, public servants and even fashion enthusiasts.
There are a few bears on campus who stand out fashionably. Get to know who they are.
Jadon Murad, International Business Major and $20 budget aficionado

Jadon Murad is a freshman International Business major on the pre-law track. He is a part of the entrepreneurial club, Enactus and is currently a freshman senator.
Although Murad has only been here for a month, he has made a statement in self-expression through his fashion.
“Dressing better certainly makes me feel better,” he said. “Picking out an outfit at night … heightens my expectations for the next day.”
He encourages those interested in fashion to go to stores like Goodwill because of the variety one can find there.
“It’s not about brand for me, it’s about creating a certain look,” he said. “If I have an image in my head I’m not going to spend more than $20 at Goodwill.”
Murad also loves shoes and what they bring to an outfit.
“I plan on looking good a lot or at least presentable most of the time because I have no idea who’s looking,” Murad said. “You never know who could see you. I like that a lot about Mercer. Keeps me on my toes.”
Charleston Eatmon Jr, Mentor and Sneaker Guru

Charleston Eatmon Jr. is a sophomore Global Health major on the pre-physical therapy track. On campus, he is a YoungLife leader and a mentor with the Band of Brothers at Alexander II.
When he is not mentoring others, Eatmon enjoys sporting brands that help in his own self-expression.
“My parents and siblings have always been fashion savvy and we rub off on each other,” Eatmon said. “I’ve always been interested in shoe style but my sister introduced me to popular clothing brands in middle school.”
Since his younger years, Eatmon has moved away from specific brands and has started looking for clothes that better express who he is.
“My style hasn’t really changed since coming to Mercer, but I’m inspired by Russell Westbrook, Michael Jackson, A$AP Rocky and Prince,” Eatmon said.
Eatmon wants others to know that “If you like it, wear it,” because fashion is all about self-expression.
Megan Steele, Marketing Major and Thrift Store Queen

Megan Steele is a sophomore Marketing and Spanish double major. On campus, she is involved with the Special Events Team and is a Peer Advisor. She also serves as Mercer’s Quality Enhancement Plan Office’s Marketing Intern.
Steele has some advice for thrifters who are new to the scene:
- Go at least once for the experience, and keep an open mind! Sometimes something that looks 'okay' on the hanger could look KILLER on you!
- Don't be afraid to look in the kid's section or men's section if you are a woman, or visa versa. I have found some pretty cool pieces in random sections of the store.
- If you love it, just buy it because chances are, you won't find another (*insert dope article of clothing or accessory here*) again.
- It is easy on your wallet! And we all know how little of an expendable income college students actually have.
When she’s not busy with everything she’s doing, she loves playing dress up and creating art.
“I can’t say that either of those things have actually changed much,” Steele said. “Although my dress up games have now sort of evolved into the way I currently dress myself.”
Steele uses fashion as an artistic outlet and as a way to boost her own confidence.
“In high school it was seen as a slight sense of rebellion to dress against the trend but I always enjoyed embracing the fact that everyone is different in their own way,” Steele said.
Since coming to Mercer, Steele’s style hasn’t changed much.
“I have found that I am now able to wear the outfits of my choice without my parents’ stamp of approval. I have also found that sometimes a fun outfit can be a great conversation starter,” Steele said.
Steele loves purchasing her clothes from thrift stores.
“Every shopping experience is new, and no two stores will have the same two items in them,” Steele said.
Clairissa Cole, Biology Major and Lover of 70’s Fashion

Clairissa Cole is a junior Biology Major with minors in Chemistry and Public Health. On campus, she is a bear force leader for the University Center and an executive board member of All God’s Anointed People Evangelizing. She is also a member of National Society of Leadership and Success, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, the Student National Medical Association-Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students, American Medical Women’s Association and the Organization of Black Student.
Cole has maintained a progressive interest in fashion for a while now.
“My interest in fashion began early in high school when I got my first summer job and was able to experiment with purchasing different clothes and accessories to mix in with the back-to-school clothes my parents would get me,” Cole said.
From there, her love for clothes only grew, and she eventually began shopping for herself independently.
Cole finds inspiration from watching old performances of 1970s divas like Diana Ross, shows on the E! Network and celebrities like Rihanna or Kimora Lee Simmons.
“I try to stay fashionable despite my hectic schedule of classes, work and extracurriculars by pairing simple and comfortable pieces together to make a bomb outfit...because I believe that despite how stressful a day may be, the confidence I feel from my clothing makes the day slightly better,” Cole said.
Some of her favorite stores include Boohoo, H&M, ASOS and Lola Shoetique.
“If I had to share any advice on fashion, it would be to wear whatever gives you the most confidence,” she said. “Forget about what anyone else may say or think.”
Tomi Jefferson, Accounting Major and Fashion Connoisseur

Tomi Jefferson is an accounting major. On campus, she is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., The Organization of Black Students, Vice President of The National Pan-Hellenic Council, student liaison for The National Association of Black Accountants, Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants and Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society.
Growing up in a household full of women, Jefferson was influenced by her older siblings who were always well dressed.
“My mom had a rule that we were not allowed to leave the house without looking presentable, and she loved dressing us alike. My sisters always dressed similar, but I wanted to be different. So, once I was able to dress and shop for myself, I started to look at magazines and Pinterest for outfit ideas,” Jefferson said.
She hopes to continue to foster her passion during her time here at Mercer and in Macon.
“Mercer has changed my style through allowing me to meet and get to know a wide range of students. We're all from different states and countries. We all have different styles. So, through meeting so many new people, I began to explore different styles. I don't want to be stuck in one style type. I've been introduced to different stores around Macon and websites,” Jefferson said.
She shops at stores such as Papaya, Francesca’s, H&M and Pacsun.
“Have your own style, don't let society tell you what's fashionable or not,” she said. “Wear what you like and feel comfortable wearing. You don't have to spend an arm and a leg to be fashionable.”