MerServe hosted a service day Jan. 16 in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. The day began with a group of students serving breakfast at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church and ended with the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial March.
Students gathered together on their day off from classes in hopes of continuing Dr. King’s dream for equality and unity.
“I headed up this event to bring students together for a common cause,” said student Markell Jackson.
Jackson said the breakfast gave students the opportunity to show others kindness through service. Both the breakfast and the march provided students with a chance to be a part of more than just the college campus. It allowed them to be a part of the Macon community, he said.
Mercerians used their common interests of equality to unite with Macon residents.
“I wanted to show that we care about civil rights,” said sophomore Alexis Albert.
Albert also said that there is still work to be done in the Macon community when it comes to equality.
Mercer University decided to integrate its campus in 1963, according to Macon’s NAACP branch. The integration occurred the same year Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have A Dream” speech. The march allowed for people to honor this era.
Freshman Brianna Levin decided to join the march to show support for her community. “[The event gave] the community a sense of unity,” Levin said.
Participants sang and shouted together in celebration as they marched passed Mercer. Students from MerServe joined in with the crowd, blending in with fellow Macon residents.
“[MerServe] is about encouraging others,” Jackson said. “This event gives students that opportunity.”
MerServe also provides other opportunities for students to get involved with the Macon community such as the Adulting 101 Workshop Series over taxes on Jan. 27.
MerServe also has Service Saturdays throughout the semester. On March 4-8, during spring break, MerServe will have service opportunities in the Macon community for students who would like to participate.
Mercer’s choice to serve others helps to bring together Mercer and Macon in order to make them a unified community.
“Today's about standing together,” Albert said.
MerServe hosts memorial march, community breakfast on MLK Day

Mercer students, faculty and staff joined the Macon community in the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day March.