Devanshi Patel was awarded SGA’s Student of the Year 2016.
Patel, who is from Charlotte, North Carolina, said she was grateful to receive the honor at the Student Leadership Awards, which were held Tuesday, April 19.
“It’s a really big honor, and I really appreciate everyone who went out and voted for me and nominated me,” Patel said. “I think it’s one of the highest honors you can get at Mercer, and really, it embodies everything you want to be when you come in as a freshman. So I’m really honored that I got it.”
Patel has been involved in many organizations and programs as an honors student during her four years at Mercer. Some of her organizational involvement includes Bear Force, QuadWorks, Sigma Alpha Pi, Pi Mu Epsilon, a preceptor for the honors program, serving as a teaching assistant for the biology department and others.
She said some of her most memorable experiences with an organization was being a part of QuadWorks, where she currently serves as president.
“I think one of the biggest and most planned-out events at Mercer is Bearstock, and I think I’ve just enjoyed all four years of just doing it. It was probably one of the coolest and most unique experiences I could ever have at Mercer,” Patel said.
Patel said she also enjoyed putting together Homecoming for two years at Mercer.
When she isn’t focusing on her studies, Patel plays sports on campus, and she said that she is a part of almost every intramural team that Mercer has to offer.
“Go Bears!” she said.
After graduation next month, the senior biology major with a chemistry minor said she will be attending medical school at the University of Tennessee to prepare for a career as a doctor.
Patel said that she is also grateful for her professors at Mercer.
“I’d have to say Dr. Hausburger,” Patel said, concerning a professor she’s had who has been particularly influential. “He was my professor for INT/UNV. He really showed me something I wasn’t expecting to get out of Mercer, which is seeing the world through a bigger picture,” she said. “We planned on going on Mercer on Mission, like as soon as I became a freshman and just his passion about community service and outreach, which I think is so amazing — that’s impacted me the most.”
There are many who look up to her on campus.
“I would just describe her as one of the just classic faces of Mercer,” said biology major Carson Crowley. “Everywhere she goes, she’s never met a stranger. I honestly can’t think of a more deserving person.”
Mercer University announces student of the year award

Devanshi Patel received the 2016 SGA "Student of the Year" Award.