Mercer Police would like to remind the Mercer community of our anonymous tip site. You can report anything anonymously but it should not be used for immediate needs. The link is You will not be identified or contacted unless you provide contact information.
Also be aware of the Mercer Police Facebook page where we provide updates on various issues you need to know about. The link is Many of the items reported stolen were taken after they had been left unattended by the owners/people in possession of the items. Anytime something is left in plain sight while you are not present, it stands the chance of being stolen.
Below are selected events from our casebook.
Aug. 17: A contractor reported a phone had been stolen.
Aug. 17: A professor reported her laptop was stolen.
Aug. 20: A manager reported a burglary to a Mercer Village business but nothing was taken. An arrest was made in this case.
Aug. 26: A student reported he was robbed by two men on the corner of Oglethorpe Street. The victim was accosted from behind and was not able to identify the suspects.
Sept. 1: A student reported a bicycle was stolen from the Mercer Village.
Sept. 3: A student reported his car had been broken into at an off campus location.
Sept. 13: A student reported a stolen guitar.
Sept. 14: What began as a student prank wound up with seven or more students facing judicial sanctions.
Sept. 20: A business manager in the Mercer Village informed us of counterfeit money in the village coffers.
Sept. 21: A student was attempting to jump over a wall, did not make it, and had to be transported to the Med Center by ambulance.
Sept. 22: A police car caught on fire within minutes of being parked.
Sept. 23: A black coach wallet was reported stolen from the cafeteria.
Sept. 24: A man previously given a Criminal Trespass warning was back on campus and therefore was arrested.
Sept. 24: A student reported missing an Oakley book bag.
Sept. 27: A contractor reported a theft from the campus post office.
Sept. 29: Air Jordan backpack was reported stolen from the cafeteria.
Oct. 3: A student reported her bicycle was stolen.
Oct. 3: Byron City Police advised they had located a car belonging to a Mercer student stolen from the Mercer campus. The car was found before it was reported missing. An arrest was made.
Oct. 8: A student reported their phone was stolen. Contact was made with the thief but the phone was not recovered.
Oct. 15: Officers respond to a call about a dog and took the dog to the pound. It turned out to be a student’s dog. Students are not allowed to have pets on campus.
Oct. 17: A contractor reported being locked in a bathroom.
Oct. 21: A student was stopped for running a stop sign but didn’t have a valid license. Students should always make sure they come to a full stop before proceeding and they should never drive without a valid license.
Oct. 21: A student reported brassieres were taken from laundry baskets.
Oct. 23: A student report a laptop and a book bag was stolen while in an academic building.
Oct. 23: a student reported a computer was stolen from a shelf in a bathroom
STATS: Between August 1 and October 30, Mercer Police responded to various calls including but not limited to 4 Car break-ins, 12 Traffic Accidents, 19 Sick or Injured Person, 54 Jump Starts, 52 Keys Locked In Vehicles, 22 Fire Alarms, 40 Unlock Doors, 82 Alarm Activations, 5 Assist Motorist, 2 Assist Macon Police, 55 Escorts, 8 Disorderly or Unruly Persons.